Tamarack Productions has been producing award-winning documentaries since 1989. Its first production, the documentary series As Long As The Rivers Flow, has been broadcast and distributed around the world. The series garnered over twenty international awards, including The Public Jury Award at The Nyon Documentary Film Festival and the Producer's Award at The American Indian Film Festival in San Francisco. Since its inception, Tamarack Productions has garnered a global reputation as a producer of documentaries about social justice, history, popular culture and politics.
James Cullingham is an award winning documentary filmmaker, historian and journalist with Tamarack Productions based in Nogojiwanong – Peterborough. His documentaries concerning social justice, history and popular culture have been screened around the world. Cullingham was an executive producer with CBC Radio and has been published by Canada’s leading newspapers and magazines.
In November 2021 Cullingham released the documentary film ‘The Cost of Freedom - Refugee Journalists in Canada’. In January 2022, Cullingham released his transnational work of history ‘Two Dead White Men - Duncan Campbell Scott, Jacques Soustelle, and the Failure of Indigenous Policy’.
James received his doctorate in History from Toronto’s York University in 2014. He was a coordinator of the Journalism programme and professor of Journalism and English at and Liberal Studies at Seneca@York 2002-2018. He is an Adjunct Graduate Faculty Member in Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies and the PhD program in Canadian Studies at Trent University. Cullingham is also a part-time professor in the faculty of arts at Seneca College.
James Cullingham (PhD York University, Toronto), 2014 Robert Redford, David Poisey and James Cullingham
Sundance Film Festival, 1994
James Cullingham
Executive Producer "As it happens", CBC Radio, 1987
James Cullingham and Phil Fontaine, National Chief, Assembly of First Nations, 2008
Dalton Camp and James Cullingham
Vision TV, 2000
Peter Raymont, Tantoo Cardinal, James Cullingham and David Poisey.
Sundance Film Festival 1994
James Cullingham, Pete Townshend and Jessica Anne Cullingham. "In Search of Blind Joe Death" - the Saga of John Fahey
IN SEARCH OF BLIND JOE DEATH – THE SAGA OF JOHN FAHEY, director, producer, executive producer. Released October 2012.
DISHONOUR DEFIED executive producer and producer of feature documentary about Pakistani activist Mukhtar Mai. Directed by Azra Rashid. 2007.
LESSONS IN FEAR, directed and produced feature documentary about education in Israel and Palestinian Territories. 2005.
WE HAVE SUCH THINGS AT HOME, Director/producer. One hour documentary film about Canada, South Africa and native policy. VISION TV, October 1997.
DUNCAN CAMPBELL SCOTT:THE POET AND THE INDIANS,(1994) Director/producer. One hour documentary in co-production with The National Film Board of Canada. Broadcast on TVONTARIO, Saskatchewan Communications Network and CFCF 12, Montreal.
COUNTER CURRENTS: THE FIGHT FOR FISH ON THE FRASER RIVER, (1993) producer. One-hour documentary about BC salmon fishing rights. CBC Newsworld. Winner of 3 awards at The International Wildlife Film Festival, Missoula, Montana, USA.
VISIT FROM AFRICA, (1993) Director. 30 minute television documentary for CanWest Global, part of Great North Productions From Spirit to Spirit series.
TEMAGAMI: A LIVING TITLE TO THE LAND, (1992) Directr. 30 minute documentary for the Global Television Network. Winner of documentary award In Contri Film Festival, Italy.
AS LONG AS THE RIVERS FLOW, (1991) Producer. 5 one-hour documentaries on native rights in Canada. National & international broadcasts. Winner of 20 international awards.
PEAWANUCK: THE PROMISED LAND, (1987) Journalist. hour-long documentary on the rebuilding of a flood stricken village in northern Ontario. Aired on TVONTARIO, 1986.
Worldfest-Houston International Film Festival 2013, Houston, Texas. Silver Remi Winner for In Search of Blind Joe Death: The Saga of John Fahey .
International Wildlife Film Festival 1995, Missoula, Montana. Top prize for Film Dealing with Aboriginal Peoples; Awards of Merit for Balanced Presentation of a Controversial Subject and Script.
National Educational Film and Video Festival 1994, Oakland, California. Blue Ribbon Award forCounter Currents...
American Film and Video Festival, 1992, Blue Ribbon, The Learning Path from As Long As the Rivers Flow.
American Indian Film Festival, 1991, San Francisco. Producers Award, Tamarack Productions.
Chicago International Film Festival, 1991.The Learning Path, director Loretta Todd awarded the Silver Hugo Award.
National Educational Film and Video Festival, Oakland 1992. Bronze Apple, The Learning Path.
Nyon International Documentary Film Festival, 1991, Tikinagan. Director Gil Cardinal awarded the People's Jury Award.
Salado Texas Indian Film Festival, 1992. Top prize for Flooding Job's Garden, directed by Boyce Richardson.
Toronto Festival of Festivals, 1991. Director Loretta Todd, Special Mention for the NFB Short Film Award for The Learning Path, a documentary from the series As Long As The Rivers Flow.
Two Rivers Native Film and Video Festival, 1991, Minneapolis. "New Visionary" Awards to directors Gil Cardinal, David Poisey and Loretta Todd for their films in As Long As The Rivers Flow.
FESTIVAL EXPRESS, story consultant on feature documentary about 1970 rock ‘n’ roll tour of Canada. Theatrical Release 2004.
THE MEGANTIC OUTLAW, Director. One hour documentary, BBC Scotland, April 1999.
RIBBONS OF STEEL, Director. 12 half hour episodes of LIFE Network series on train travel. Summer/Autumn 1996-7.
INHERIT THE EARTH,(1995) Producer. 30 minute documentary for Man Alive CBC TV, Le Point, Societe Radio Canada and CFCF 12.
Education on the West Bank, CBC Radio One, June 2005.
Lessons in Loathing,CBC Radio One, April 2004.
Nisga'a and the BC Election, CBC Radio national network, May 1996.
The Comeback of Howie Morenz, CBC Radio/National Syndication.
Confessions of a Dead Head, June 1992, Prime Time, CBC Radio.
JFK Commentary, CBC Radio, February 1992.
A Forgotten Frontier, CBC Radio. January 1986.
The Ghost of Busher Jackson, CBC Radio. March 1986.
The Ballad of Leonard Peltier, CBC Radio, November 1983.
A Forgotten Frontier: Aboriginal Rights in BC, CBC Radio, January 1986.
The Ghost of Busher Jackson, CBC Radio, February 1986.
The Fist and the Rose, CBC Radio, 1984.
*All broadcasts available through CBC Radio Archives
New World, Old World Connection in Global Matchup - The Journal of Wild Culture, 14 July 2014
Richard Sherman Is Being Himself - The Journal of Wild Culture, 26 January 2014
Understanding Rob Ford, Political Animal - The Journal of Wild Culture, 25 November 2013
Wild Culture Kitchen: Mole Amarillo - The Journal of Wild Culture, 31 October 2013
Memo Re: Justin Trudeau - The Journal of Wild Culture, 23 May 2013
The Million Dollar Bash - Festival Express 1970, MOJO Magazine, June 2000
Woodstock on Wheels - The Globe and Mail, 25 May 2000
Brian Wilson - Former Beach Boy Shores Up His Pop Legacy - The Globe & Mail, June 1999
Pet Sounds: A Pop Masterpiece is Resurrected - The Globe & Mail, 29 November 1997.
Temagami on the Brink, NOW Magazine April 25 – May 1, 1996
The Mystery of Mickey Hart - The Globe & Mail, June 15, 1996
Memories of the Dead – A Tribute to Jerry Garcia - Varsity (UofT) V. 116, #4, September 5, 1995
Québec’s Salmon Fiasco - Saturday Night, February, 1982
Restigouche: The Salmon Wars - Ontario Indian, Vol. 4, No.7, July 1981
Deep Water People - Ontario Indian Vol. 4, No.6 June 1981
MORE THAN BANDAGES, seven minute demo for Medicins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders about the rehabilitation of children traumatized by war. Co-producer for Lowry Productions, Toronto. March 2000.
DO YOU KNOW THE STREET?, eleven minute video explaining the mandate and programs of Street Kids International, non-governmental agency working on AIDS prevention and drug prevention for children around the world. December, 1997.
FORGING A NEW RELATIONSHIP, fifteen minute introductory video for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. November 1991.
Samer Shallabi & James Cullingham
Snowflake Wendel Cullingham, Vice President - Consumre & Corporate Relations (1994 - 2007)